Author Retriever

Identify thought leaders, the most productive biomedical research labs, and prolific authors in your frame of interest in a few keystrokes.

Built on the Literature Lab database platform, Author Retriever reports on the authors of journal articles meeting specific searches. With full integration of the Literature Lab Gene and Pathway Thesaurus, even the most complex queries, on a gene, a gene family, disease, other biology, an experimental dataset, etc., you get clear reporting on all, first, and last authors, ranked by publication volume.

For every article meeting your interest, Author Retriever’s reporting includes the following:

  • Provides analysis of authors of the articles meeting your research interest or product focus.

  • Ranking of first and last authors by publication volume.

  • Affiliation of each author

  • PubMed URL for each article

  • DOI URL for each article

  • Ranking by citation count.

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